In 2011, the Black Beauty simple DIY floatation tank was built. Scouring the ‘net for containment tanks, I fell in love with the 325 gallon White containment tank made by Den Hartog: It looked more elegant, but it is inferior to the containment tank used in the Black Beauty for 2 reasons: One desirable thing […]
Category: Built Tanks
The White Beauty 3 (FAILED DESIGN)
TLDR: this design failed for these reasons: CURIOUS? read -on In 2011, the Black Beauty DIY Isolation Tank was built and used for 6 months of great joy before job requirements forced me to sell my $5,000 mobile home for $500 and relocate from Florida to New York for work. In other words, the Black […]
The Black Beauty
I created the black beauty tank and floated in it while living in Margate, FL. Full instructions are here. It was built in 2011 (?) and is the predecessor to the Ragtop DIY Float Tank, built in 2024.