Getting Epsom Salt

When adding salt to the tank to create buoyancy, the super-cheap price of pool salt can be a temptation. It is only 25 cents per pound. And one long-term floater said it worked out fine for him.

But this post will focus what happened once I decided on epsom salt. I read through both threads on where to get epsom salt:

And then did a bit of searching for other places near me. I came up with this spreadsheet.

My tank is already full, so I’m just looking for maybe 200 pounds to keep it topped up. I dont want the hassle of coordinating long-distance delivery, so the super-cheap price at 7 Springs Farm I will pass on.

Target will deliver right to my door for free whereas Walmart wants to charge. And SiteOne is here in Florida. They delivered 1000 pounds for me initially. But I would rather have 8 pound bags that are easy to lift and cut open instead of big 50 pound bags.

One problem with Target is your max order is 6 bags… I wanted more like 20 bags… I guess I could make multiple orders.

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